Mindfulness4Kids Training

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Meditation & Inner Child Training

Mindfulness and meditation training for children is an excellent portal for allowing children to move within and to be present.

Mindfulness is a lot more than a strategy to manage difficult situations, it is a way to cultivate a more balanced relationship to oneself in relation to the realities of life. Mindfulness can better be understood as a way of being and living rather than a tactic or strategy for life. It entails many different facets and elements. By choosing one specific element of mindfulness to study and practice on a weekly basis, we hope that over time you will experience an in depth understanding of the fulsome nature of mindfulness.

In this training, you will benefit from:

  • One deep-dive into a specific c element of mindfulness per session.
  • Integrating information and practice with scientific evidence and insights.
  • Detailed explanations covering the reasons for certain practices.
  • Small practices that aim to increase mindfulness into children’s daily lives.
  • Understanding the foundation of processes that mindfulness rests upon.
  • Touching base with our inner child.
  • Ways to teach children mindfulness.
  • Weekly presentations & Homework assignments.

Who Should Take This Training & Why

The MindfulMovement4Kids Workshop is for:

  1. Professionals seeking to expand their current skill set (occupational therapist ).
  2. Parents or other caregivers wanting to teach children the art of mindfullness.
  3. Children’s Yoga Teachers, Adult Yoga Teachers or School Teachers.

Anyone participating in this training must be in good health (mentally and physically) and have stable personal circumstances to complete this course with the focus and dedication it requires.

Our MindfulMovement4Kids Workshop focuses on the processes that define mindfulness while exploring related scientific findings. This workshop provides participants with a complete understanding of mindfulness and movement in association with yoga.

You’ll learn strategies, and mindful practices that support positive states of mind such as gratitude, kindness, joy, and compassion; states which are essential for us all. Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness along with an honest observation of our thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment.

Being mindful has a variety of research-backed impacts, including reductions in anxiety, improvements in

feeling satisfied, the ability to better regulate emotions and the improved ability to focus and find joy.

Detailed Description of Content Covered


In summation, this MindfulMovement4Kids Workshop will cover:

  • Tapping into your inner-child.
  • Techniques to practice meditation and to integrate mindfulness into your daily life.
  • Neuroscience on mindfulness and how it affects the brain.
  • Strategies for acknowledging, accepting and navigating intense emotions.
  • The role mindfulness plays in communication, connection, and interaction.
  • Practices that cultivate positive states of mind like gratitude, kindness, joy, and and compassion.
  • Strategies and support for developing a regular “sitting” practices.

Six Areas of Mindfulness

During the workshop we’ll explore six key aspects of mindfulness briefly described below.

Area 1: Mindfulness : Breath

Exploring the motivation for mindfulness practice. Focus is on:

  • Mindfulness and Breathing:
  • Practice: Breath work and Breathing Practices (Booklet)
  • Application: Self-regulation and the pre-frontal cortex

Area 2: Mindfulness : Body

Importance of feeling the body (the embodied nervous system). Focus is on:

  • Body scan and mindful walking.
  • Practice:  Mindful Movement Practices for Children (booklet)
  • Daily consciousness and awareness of the body.
  • Mindfulness as an exploration of being human.

Area 3: Mindfulness  : 

Mindfulness and the Emotions:

Emotions, Neurobiology and thoughts.

 Focus here is on:

  • Feeling emotions in the body.
  • Working with emotional intensity.
  • Awareness and self-regulation of the emotions.

Area 4: Mindfulness of the Heart

Cultivating gratitude and kindness practice.

Focus here is on:

  • Living fully and in the moment.
  • Self-compassion.
  • Heartfulness Practices for Children Booklet
  • Inner critic silence and forgiveness.

Area 5: Interpersonal Mindfulness

Bringing mindfulness into our daily interactions with others and our environment.

Focus here is on:

  • Meaningful communication.
  • Our habits of separation.
  • Brain Compassion.

Area 6: Daily Mindfulness

Weaving mindfulness into every aspect of our lives with frequency and consistency. Focus here is on:

  • What, why and when we eat and drink water.
  • Maintaining daily practices that improve being in the moment and present to compassion (Booklet)
  • Exploring and understanding the benefits of applied midnfullness.

Children’s MindfulMovement4Kids Training Module 2.1

19 and 20 & 26 & 27  February 2022

2 & 3 July and 9 & 10 July 

Saturday, Sunday & Wednesday – 09h30 – 17h30

Friday and Monday – 06h30 – 09h30 SA Time

Saturday and Sunday 09h30 – 09h30 SA Time

40 Hours Online

R 6500.00

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