Yoga Healing Special Needs

Yoga4Kids International Teacher Training Academy – Upcoming Dates for Trainings 2021


Blessings dear Parents,

I started the ‘Yoga4kids, Wellbeing for the Next Generation” programs in South Africa in 2003 and have taught many of your special yogi children.  At roughly the same time I opened the Yoga4kids Training Academy whereby we taught many beautiful people to teach yoga and mindfulness to children.My journey has led me along a new path.

As part of my yoga business, I have taught at most of the Remedial and Special Needs schools in Cape Town and Johannesburg.  In 2011 I gave birth to, Ruby Lylah, who presents with severe Dyspraxia (a motor planning and sensory processing disorder), ADHD, as well as Vision and Auditory Integration Difficulties. Aside from her struggles, her gift is that of an incredible sense of Joy, Confidence, and the Biggest Open Love Heart Space you could ever imagine.

For ten years I have been on a hard journey in my pursuit of trying to do the best for my child.

Yoga has played such an incredible role in my own healing as a parent. The integration of yoga, and her teachings shared with Ruby, has been profound and astonishing to witness. Yoga has taught her the support and benefits of regulation, confidence, joy and self-worth.

This journey is was what inspired my collaboration with a talented Occupational Therapist, Lyndal Alexander to launch our International YogaTherapy4Kids Teacher Training in 2019. We have been successful in training Children’s Therapists and Yoga Teachers from all over the world on how to soothe, balance and regulate a child’s nervous system using the incredible breathing, singing, movement and surrender modalities of yoga.

The YogaTherapy4Kids platform as a high support regulation and powerful toolbox to parents whose children present with challenges.

This is an online or in-person modality offering an incredible resource of postures, breathing techniques, mantras, yoga postures and regulation strategies specific for your child. These programs encourage an abundance of regulation and calming strategies to cope, regulate, heal and bring joy and hope back into the lives of your family.

Should you wish to know more about our personal and individualised program for parents, which covers a six-week online or in-person program, please do be in touch for an introductory online meeting with me.

Individual or small group yoga therapy classes at Remedial and Special Needs Schools in Cape Town, and at my own private healing studio in Hout Bay.

Our focus is for children who present with the following challenges:

  • Anxiety and Depression
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Dyspraxia
  • Sensory Processing Disorders
  • Down Syndrome
  • Learning Difficulties

Should you wish to know more about  , kindly be in touch with me on 083 299 6555 or at

Yours in Children’s Yoga,

Suzie Manson

Senior Yoga Teacher
Endorsed Yoga Alliance and Yoga Teachers Fellowship
Founder Yoga4kids South Africa 2003

Therapeutic Benefits

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